by Lexi | Nov 7, 2013 | Adventures
Without a doubt, one of my husband Todd’s least favorite things in life is shopping. Every time I try to get him to go with me he breaks out in a sweat and mumbles something about “shopping being the death of him.” During a quick shopping pit stop...
by Lexi | Sep 18, 2013 | Adventures, Featured
The brightly painted houses of Spitsbergen Our wonderful polar bears Looking down onto Spitsbergen from our hike One of the many, many glaciers on Svalbard Todd and me enjoying the view Hiking guide with gun and dog When I told people our trip to Norway included a 3...
by Lexi | Nov 4, 2012 | Adventures, Favorite Sleeps
Okay, as much as we Life Busers enjoy our backpacking, car-camping, huts, yurts, Toyota Tunder flatbeds, etc. … sometimes we need a splurge. After having spent several nights in very average, nondescript Swiss and German hotels on this trip, Todd and I figured...
by Lexi | Sep 13, 2012 | Adventures, Featured
I have to admit that when planning our trip to Zermatt, I was looking forward to going there but I wasn’t so excited that I couldn’t contain myself. I felt more like it was going to be one of those “check-off-the-list” kind of places that we...
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