I like these photos for the Forward challenge because they show the view from the cockpit …. one literally and the others more figuratively.  The actual cockpit photo was taken near Juneau, Alaska.  We flew Ward Air out of Juneau and had the great fortune of having a friend of a friend be our pilot.  He took great care of us and took us on some special glacier viewing opportunities as well as up and over some glacial valleys.  I’ll never forget this moment because we were all looking out the windshield seeing these peaks getting closer by the second. No one said anything but we were all wondering … how are we getting over those when we are obviously lower than the summits.  Fortunately, without any problem!!  There was such a thrill on the other side of these peaks.  The ground fell away immediately and it felt like we were free-falling for a second.  The other two photos were taken on sea kayaking adventure trips.  One was taken in the Sea of Cortez and the other most recently kayaking to Tobacco Caye by the Belizean barrier reef.  Tobacco Caye was literally Gilligan’s Island and where we would spend the next 3 nights!!  Hope you all enjoy the views forward!!